The UltraHQPorn platform is intended to be a secure and sex-positive space for adult viewing and adult content only. We take our commitment to the safety of our users and the integrity of our platform seriously.
As clearly outlined in our Terms and Conditions, access to our platform is strictly limited to those who affirm that:
To help enforce our terms and assist in restricting access to minors, we have ensured that UltraHQPorn is, and remains, fully RTA (Restricted to Adults) compliant and allows every page to be blocked by simple parental control tools.
There are many tools available for parents to make the internet safer for their children. ISPs, device manufacturers, and operating system developers have ensured an easy route to setting up parental controls. They all use simple step-by-step instructions, which you only need to follow once, giving you control over your children's browsing habits beyond simple supervision.
All modern operating systems have built-in parental controls, and they are simple to activate, requiring only a few minutes to set up. Microsoft Windows 10 allows parents to easily set up accounts for their children, restrict which apps and programs they can open, and block inappropriate websites at the touch of a button.
Visit the Microsoft Family Safety site for more information.
Apple devices such as Macs, iPads, and iPhones have similar parental controls, which can be enabled by following the instructions on Apple's dedicated Families site.
As many children use their personal devices to access the internet, mobile operating systems now include tools to ensure parents can stay firmly in control of their children's browsing habits.
iOS devices from Apple, such as iPhones and iPads, can block inappropriate content, set screen time limits, and prevent apps from being installed without permission. More information is available on Apple's dedicated Families site.
Android products such as smartphones and tablets contain similar protections, allowing parents to choose what their children can see and do on their personal devices. The Google Safety Centre will walk you through the setup process.
In addition to parental controls provided free of charge by operating systems, device manufacturers, and ISPs, there are multiple parental control apps available from third parties. A non-exhaustive list is provided below:
UltraHQPorn will never appear in the search results with these filters:
You can also use Kiddle, a safe visual search engine for kids.